I saw this boy on the Dr.Oz show with his mother last year. His mom was a hairdresser, and she actually had known about hair color allergies. The show did talk about the allergies some, but some of the information was not correct. I contacted them via e-mail, but I was never contacted back again. I have also contacted them 3 times since, but I never get a response. (I have also contacted the Ellen Show, with the same response, I suspect it has to do with advertising money) I have wanted to post these photos here for quite a while, but I am never in the right place at the right time. Finally, here are the photos. I did have them on my facebook for a bit. It was the son's first hair color, but you can tell in the first photo that he has had a tattoo, so he has been exposed to some inks. He also may have come into contact with hair color with his mother being a hair dresser, you just never know. The poor mother felt terrible...so would I! Lesson learned.